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                       6.1.3 Command strings

         All command strings may contain a pipe (|) character, which
         translates into a CR and a tilde (~) character which
         translates into a one second pause.

         Escape code     Used to place the modem in command (as
                         opposed to data/on-line) mode. This is only
                         used if you have disabled "Lower DTR to
                         terminate call" or if you are using the
                         "Reset modem to connect speed" option.

         Return on-line  Used to place the modem in data/on-line (as
                         opposed to command) modem. This is only used
                         if you are using the "Reset modem to connect
                         speed" option.

         Onhook          Used to place the modem on hook (as opposed
                         to off hook) if you have disabled "Lower DTR
                         when busy" or "Lower DTR to terminate call".

         Offhook         Used to place the modem off hook (as opposed
                         to on hook) if you have disabled "Lower DTR
                         when busy".

         Dial            Used when the Mailer places an outgoing call.
                         The Mailer will send the dial (this) string,
                         the Prefix, the telephone number, followed by
                         the Suffix.

                             Ie. <Dial><Prefix><Number><Suffix>

         Prefix          Sent before every number when the Mailer
                         places an outgoing call (see above).

         Suffix          Sent after every number when the Mailer
                         places an outgoing call (see above). This
                         should be set to the pipe (|) character to
                         indicate a CR in most cases.

         Delay           The delay (in 1/10 second) between every
                         string the Mailer sends to the modem. If you
                         have an extremely fast modem (not baud rate),
                         such as the USR HST, you can set this as low
                         as one or two, but most modems require that
                         this is set between four and eight.

         Init-1..Init-3  Modem initialization strings. They are sent
                         every time the Mailer initializes the modem
                         in order (Init-1, Init-2, Init-3). Unused
                         strings should not be set to anything (leave
                         field blank).

         Down            Sent to the modem when the Mailer terminates.
                         This occurs when mail has been received or
                         when you press <Alt-Q> (Quit).

         Reset           Sent to the modem to force it to respond with
                         an OK message. This should be set to "AT|" in
                         most cases.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson